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Meet Papa David Kunda


Kimbilio is outstanding at improving the lives of vulnerable children.  Did you know that Kimbilio is also excellent at doing their own building construction, to the benefit of these children?  This is thanks to the expertise and leadership of staff member Papa David Kunda.

Papa David is father of eleven children, of whom 5 boys and 6 girls.  His life has joys, but he also has experienced profound sadness.  He lost his wife in 1992, and one of his sons - his namesake - passed away last year. In addition to family and work, Papa David enjoys singing in the church choir.

When he was young, Papa David moved to Lubumbashi for work as a masonry assistant on small jobs.  Lubumbashi was hundreds of miles from his home.  The work paid poorly, and it was nowhere near enough for him to support his young family.  In time, after sharing his predicament with a missionary friend, he was given the opportunity to learn the construction trade and carpentry under the tutelage of Garenganze missionaries.  It was 1984 and Papa David was 24 years old.  Papa David is forever grateful to the team of missionaries and friends that readied him for his career. Working with them, his experiences included building the Anglican diocese refectory enclosure and conversion of a garage into a church.  Below, a young Papa David is pictured with missionaries Mr Keith Lake and Mrs Senga Lake.

In 2010, stars aligned. Papa David was trusted with work at the Anglican Cathedral – which had recently started housing Kimbilio’s day center.  Papa David was introduced to Ian Harvey, founder of Kimbilio. Soon thereafter, Papa David joined the Kimbilio team.

Papa David has done so many great things for Kimbilio. He led the construction of all four residences for street children who’ve come into Kimbilio’s care.  He assembled a team and led the construction of the Kimbilio Mapendo School.    Papa David has also mentored many youth who’ve assisted him on projects while he teaches them the trade.  

Papa David is passionate about his work with Kimbilio.  He is immensely grateful for the trust and caring that he’s felt from Ian since the day they met.  He loves to deliver the construction projects that Kimbilio needs to support its programs and serve the best interests of the community.  Papa David is fully engaged in Kimbilio’s objective of helping vulnerable children - ones who suffer, and some of whom are victims of war that were forced to flee their homes.  He also takes great pride in the work he’s done, as part of the Kimbilio team, to improve Kimbilio’s Luwowoshi community in Lubumbashi.

It is Papa David’s dream to one day build a community center for Kimbilio.  It would include a next generation purpose-built day center for street children, a much needed health care facility, vocational training space, and more.  His dream may not be far off – the land has been purchased, and the plans have been drawn.  We hope that funding will be available shortly to bring Papa David’s dream -- indeed, Kimbilio's dream -- to life.

Enjoy the collection of photos of Papa David and his teams on several of his construction projects.



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